January’s Crate

January’s Crate Focuses on The Book of Proverbs!

January's ChristianCrate

  • “A Friend Loves at All Times” Metal Key Chain (MSRP $5.00)
  • “By Wisdom a House is Built…” Nickel Plated Bookmark (MSRP $1.99)
  • “For Wisdom Will Enter Your Heart…” Tabletop Decor (MSRP $8.99)
  • Proverbs 3:6 Pewter Magnet (MSRP $3.50)
  • Sweet Aromas Tealight Candleholder (MSRP $8.00)
  • “Fascinating Facts of The Faith” Devotional Gift Book (MSRP $14.95)
  • “She is Clothed with Strength and Dignity…” Cherished Girl, Adult T-Shirt (MSRP $12.97)



~ January Crate News ~

In 2017 we will highlight a book from the Bible each month. This month we are highlighting Proverbs.


Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings and teachings about life and how to live it successfully in God’s eyes. The purpose of Proverbs is summarized well in the opening verses of Proverbs 1, especially verse 4: “They make the uneducated smarter and give knowledge and sense to the young.” Since Solomon, the presumed author of Proverbs, was the wisest man who ever lived, his words are valuable guides for the way we live our lives before God today.

Proverbs attracts much interest today because of its insightful, practical advice concerning daily life. Christians desire wisdom from God, and Proverbs offers it in abundance. Much of the book’s teaching is addressed to young men about to embark on a career in government service. This explains why there is so much advice on avoiding dubious women in the book. The principles of the book, however, apply to women as well, and so our translation takes that into account.

Solomon is the source of the wisdom found in the Book of Proverbs (1:1), though the book gives indication that others were also involved in the final version (25:1; 30:1; 31:1). The book is more than just good advice. God is not mentioned explicitly, but the structure of the book points to the fact that people have a basic choice to make. They can either ally themselves with foolishness, who represents the “wisdom” of worldly gods (9:13-18) or wisdom, who represents God himself (8 & 9:1-6). A wise person is a good person – that is, he is following God – while a fool is a bad person who follows idols.

The book of Proverbs encourages its readers to seek out and follow wisdom. Wisdom takes on a personal face in the New Testament. According to Paul in 1Corinthians 1:30, Jesus is the one “who has become for us the wisdom of God.” In Colossians 2:3, he exclaims that it is in Jesus that “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are safely kept.”

As always, you can certainly keep all of your Crate’s contents for yourself, but we also like to suggest that you think of someone who’s life you’d like to touch and give them a gift from your Crate this month.

We hope that you will enjoy all of the contents of your Crate, that we bring a smile to your face and that something in your Crate will inspire you to explore your relationship with God on a deeper level.

Until your next Crate arrives…we wish you many blessed days!


*ChristianCrates make GREAT gifts! Visit our website and send one to someone special today!

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